The Metaverse - A Journey through Time and Possibility

Asking "What is the Metaverse?" might be a red herring of a question. It's perhaps more enlightening to ask "When is the Metaverse?" Contrary to the idea that the Metaverse is a future entity waiting to be born, I'd argue that it's a continuous process that began long before the term became trendy. The seeds of the Metaverse were sown with the advent of the internet, nurtured by social media and the creator economy, and have blossomed through innovations in video games, multiplayer platforms, and MMORPGs. And now, the acceleration is palpable, driven by Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, AR, VR, XR, and the promise of gamification and one day the quantum internet.

Essential Pillars of the Metaverse:

  • Blockchain Support: Underpinning digital ownership, digital ID, and decentralization.

  • Extended and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, XR): Expanding our perceptual boundaries.

  • Creator Economy & User-Generated Content: Empowering individuals to be more than just consumers.

  • Virtual Worlds & Environments: Offering a canvas for digital experiences.

  • Digital Economics: Facilitating economic activities and value transactions.

  • Connected Experiences: Offer a range of games or experiences that are connected, eg. using NFTs in multiple games.

The more of these pillars a project incorporates, the closer it aligns with the essence of the Metaverse. Let's take MMORPGs as an example; many have virtual worlds and user-generated content, perhaps even VR support. However, they often lack a true creator economy, blockchain support, and digital ownership. Depending on how much weight you give to each pillar, such MMORPGs might only, but still be 20-40% 'Metaversal.'

On the flip side, social media platforms have evolved to embrace user-generated content and a creator economy. They also facilitate digital identities. Yet, they fall short in offering virtual worlds and genuine digital ownership, making them also partial Metaverses.

In the final analysis, the Metaverse isn't just a destination but a journey. And I believe, unequivocally, that this journey cannot and will not fail. The momentum is too great, the possibilities too endless, and the human need for connection and expansion too profound to be denied. In the future I will elaborate further on my opinion, why the Metaverse cannot fail.

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